Mar 30, 2022
As the CEO of an eldercare organization and the chair of LeadingAge’s board, Carol Silver Elliott faced a pair of daunting leadership challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic – and emerged as a shining example of strength under extreme pressure and tragedy.
As we close out Women’s History Month, we wanted to shine a light on the unique challenges that women in leadership roles face in the eldercare landscape. More than 40% respondents to a recent Ziegler survey of female eldercare leaders said they felt burnt out and considered a career change in the wake of the pandemic. But on the other hand, 68% reported having strong peer networks that helped them endure the pandemic, and 60% felt more optimistic than they did a year ago.
Silver Elliott describes the strategies, peers, and loved ones who helped her keep a level head during the most trying time the sector has ever faced – while also laying out the emotional and mental health initiatives that she and her team employed to support staff members from all levels of the organization.
As the rest of the world continues to move on from COVID, maintaining strong leadership will become even more vital for eldercare leaders, and Silver Elliott provides a clear blueprint for staying calm amid a still-raging storm.
Catch up on Silver Elliott’s blogging for the Times of Israel:
Read more about the Ziegler Women in Leadership survey:
Show notes/call to action: Learn more about The Green House Project: