Jan 22, 2021
In this recap Marla and Mary highlight key concepts revealed in Episode 50 where Susan Ryan sat down with Deke Cateau, CEO of A.G. Rhodes, a non-profit long-term care organization with three communities in Georgia. Deke discusses the challenges of the COVID crisis, the personal grief he has experienced as his community endured the pandemic, and the resolve of leadership to curtail the spread of the infection.
In this recap it’s a “Back to Basics” look at leadership, relationships and what COVID has taught us. Deke spoke passionately about each of those topics. Marla gives us some insight into his quotes from military leaders and his belief that COVID is a war. We discuss his unique reference to a “double pandemic” – the COVID crisis and racism. We discuss how Deke lead his team and the introspection the organization ultimately needed to undergo.
Find out more about leadership and management in a crisis here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/07/17/management-in-crisis-the-best-leadership-style-to-adopt-in-times-of-crisis/?sh=4e8545317cb4