Jan 29, 2021
This week’s recap with Marla and Mary explores a purposeful healthcare strategy for older adults. It’s all part of the John A. Hartford Foundation and the “big idea” from its president and CEO, Terry Fulmer. She is definitely a woman on a mission!
In Episode 53, Susan Ryan had an inspiring conversation with Terry. She holds master’s and doctoral degrees from Boston College, and her Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Post-Master’s Certificate from NYU. She serves as the chief strategist for the Foundation, and is fueled by her passion for older adults, exceptional visionary skills, and preponderance for action.
Marla and Mary take a close look at the Age-Friendly Health approach and what it means for clinicians and what the “4M’s” provide YOU in seeking better healthcare. Find out why Joyce Clifford was one of Terry’s nursing idols. And Marla shares an interesting project to empower adults to prepare for their future and take the initiative to talk to their doctors, family and friends about what matters most to them at life’s end.
Find out more about the 4M’s here: https://www.johnahartford.org/images/uploads/resources/Better-Care-for-You-Guide-to-the-4Ms.pdf
Find out more about the Stanford Letter Project here: http://med.stanford.edu/letter/about.html