Apr 5, 2023
During the pandemic, the father-daughter team of Duncan and Erin McKellar teamed up – over Zoom, of course – to create a passion project based on their unique life experiences and skills.
As both a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of older people and the son of a woman, Lizzy, who was diagnosed with early onset dementia at age 60, Duncan has extensive firsthand experience navigating the world of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Erin, meanwhile, is pursuing a doctorate in music, with a particular focus on using songs and the stage to address important issues, including social justice.
Together, they created “A Box of Memories,” a musical about a woman living with dementia, her child, and a doctor whose attitudes on eldercare change as he experiences his patient’s dementia journey.
We’re proud to announce that “A Box of Memories” is coming to the first annual CFI conference in Pittsburgh on July 23, thanks to the generous support of our friends at Parker. All attendees will receive a free ticket to the Sunday evening performance, courtesy of Parker, so listen in and get inspired for the show!
Register for the CFI conference: https://thegreenhouseproject.org/2023-conference/
Learn more about HammondCare: https://www.hammond.com.au/