Jul 23, 2021
Stephen Gordon has dedicated his career to improving eldercare services and supports, and during his time as a geriatrician and educator, he observed a trend among his fellow travelers: People tend to fall in love with a specific reform idea or organization, and then have trouble seeing the potential for connections and overlap with other novel models.
As the CEO of Edenbridge Health, Gordon hopes to build on the firsthand successes he saw working for a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organization in Boston, taking the best parts of PACE and finding creative ways to tailor the model to local markets and individual elders’ needs.
In this edition of “Let Me Say This About That”, Marla and Mary take a closer look at six principles for Edenbridge Health and how they so closely align with the Green House Core Values. Gordon talked so often about his mentors, Marla explores what mentorship is all about and Mary explains how it has always been a vital part of the Green House model. Sit back and enjoy this episode with your favorite cup of coffee or tea!
The Science of Mentoring Relationships – What is Mentorship?: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK552775/
The Power of Mentorship: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/09/03/the-power-of-mentorship/?sh=621388e67438
Learn more about the Pass It On Network: https://www.passitonnetwork.org/our-global-network/