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Elevate Eldercare

Jul 12, 2023

As a physician with an MBA and a Silicon Valley programming background, Vipan Nikore has a rare perspective on the world of health technology.

Nikore, co-founder and CEO of elder tech company Homecare Hub, joins “Elevate Eldercare” to discuss the gaps that exist between health care providers and the companies that create health-focused technology – as well as some potential bridges across those divides.

From electronic health records to remote patient monitoring to telehealth, these advancements have changed the way we provide care, but providers across the care continuum still struggle with implementing health technology to the fullest. Nikore discusses his vision for a seamlessly connected health tech ecosystem, as well as Homecare Hub’s goal of becoming the Airbnb for senior living.

Register for the CFI conference, bringing together the Green House and Pioneer Network communities in Pittsburgh July 23-26 – including a special session featuring Homecare Hub and other early age-tech startups:

Learn more about Homecare Hub: