Jan 14, 2022
Laura Tamblyn Watts has a mantra for her work in eldercare reform: Be kind and be useful.
The temperature around long-term care reform debates can often rise into rancor – understandably so, given the abuse and death that too often occurs in the setting, particularly in the wake of COVID. But Tamblyn Watts believes that we’ll collectively go farther if we operate with the understanding that so many of us, no matter our exact ideas about the future, believe in the same thing: a completely transformed eldercare landscape and a world free of abuse and neglect.
She joined “Elevate Eldercare” to discuss her work as president and CEO of CanAge, a Canadian organization that seeks to unify and amplify the voices of those calling for change in long-term care.
While there are some differences between the challenges in the U.S. and in Canada, we found there were a lot more opportunities for collaboration and mutual understanding – and being kind and useful knows no national border.
Read CanAge’s master plan – “Voices of Canada’s
Seniors” – and learn more about the
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