Dec 25, 2020
Susan Ryan sits down with Daniella Greenwood, an international speaker, consultant, and author specializing in human rights policy and practices within aged care. Daniella, who is based in Victoria, Australia, is a staunch advocate for relational and social approaches that maximize freedom, self-determination, and choice for elders.
In this recap Mary and Marla take a deeper dive into some of Daniella’s thought-provoking new mandates for the care of older adults. Marla takes a closer look at how Daniella defines a human rights practical model in residential care by sharing her takeaways from reviewing a presentation Daniella did for Dementia Alliance International. We discuss what is included in this human rights framework and what the barriers are moving forward. Daniella is extremely open and honest about her work in the aged care system in Australia and we think you will be enlightened too.
Click here for more information on “A Human Rights Perspective on Aged Care”: